by Dale | Apr 27, 2020 | Articles, DoD AVIP, Law, Marines, Veteran
Executive Order 13139, which implements 10 U.S.C. § 1107, clearly states that the requirements it incorporated from the statute are for internal management only and confer no right enforceable by any party against the United States. E.O. 13139, §6(b). Additionally,...
by Dale | Apr 20, 2020 | Articles, DoD AVIP, Law, Liberty, Veteran
One year ago today, I was stationed in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. I received my fourth anthrax vaccine. That’s when my problems began. Until that point, I weighed 175 pounds, 5’9″, excellent physical condition. That night, I had a raging fever and my physical...
by Dale | Apr 13, 2020 | Articles, DoD AVIP, Veteran
In 1999, a study was published in The Lancet regarding 8,195 British Gulf War-era veterans. The British soldiers, who served alongside American forces, were also given untested vaccines as prophylaxis against possible chem-bio weapons. There were two important...
by Dale | Mar 16, 2020 | Articles, DoD AVIP, Veteran
“Well, if they’re going to issue the stay at all, now would be a good time! I mean, if no stay today, by tomorrow night my guy is eating with the big metal spoon, if you know what I mean.” I’m on the phone to appellate defense in Washington, D.C. I look at my watch....
by Dale | Mar 2, 2020 | Articles, DoD AVIP, Veteran
In December of 1997, the anthrax vaccine manufacturer was shut down and could not manufacture anything related to the AVA. Notwithstanding that hurdle, Secretary of Defense William Cohen announced that before the mandatory program would begin, it would have to meet...
by Dale | Feb 24, 2020 | Articles, DoD AVIP, Veteran
I sent out the judge’s ruling in Corporal Stonewall’s case to a list of people the same night the judge issued it. I was in despair. Now what would I do? Major Tom “Buzz” Rempfer, USAFR, was an Air Force Academy graduate, former F-16 pilot, then A-10 pilot, and flew...